• Tasters

    Cost: £15 per person/dog team
    Time: 45 mins
    Scheduled on request

    Taster sessions give you the chance to try out the kit, understand the concept and give running a go. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or brand new, i’ll talk to you about how to make canicross an activity you and your dog will enjoy!

  • Classes

    Cost: £5 per person/dog team for a group class
    Time: 30 mins
    Scheduled regularly or on request

    Once you’ve had a taster session, you might want to think about practising and perfecting those canicross commands. In these classes, we’ll work on teaching your dog to turn left or right for smoother running, train them to ignore or run by distractions or oncoming dogs or people or teach your dog to speed up or slow down on command.

  • Social Runs

    Cost: £2.50 per person/dog team if you have your own kit. An additional £3 if you want to rent kit
    Time: 30 mins+
    Scheduled weekly

    Join for a group social run. Enjoyment is the aim and all group runs will be a combination of walking and running. Join either the beginners 3km walk/run or join the intermediate group for runs of 5km+